Senin, 19 September 2011

The Kiss of 'Real Estate' Death

The house has been just sitting on the market.  No one has come to see it in weeks.  It's time to make a price adjustment and so I
begin that dreadful conversation with the sellers.

"Well, we are not in a big hurry to sell.  We are willing to wait for our price,"
they tell me.

 UGH!!!!  GROAN!   And a few other words that I don't dare

More than ever before, buyers are

Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

Saving $20,000 on the Cost of a Home!

Whew! That feels good. Talk about the deal of a lifetime! We just cut more than $20,000 off the price of our home! Great negotiation skills? Nope! Foreclosure? Nada! Fire sale? No way.

We just refinanced. And no, it wasn’t a 10 point drop in interest rates, either. The secret to our savings is reducing the term of the mortgage. We went from a 15 year mortgage to a ten year mortgage. Our

Jumat, 29 April 2011

Selling a Home With Pets

I showed a very nice, very expensive home earlier this week in which the dog had peed all over the welcome mat! My buyers love the house and had me write up an offer but then had me tear it up. What if they couldn’t get rid of the smell? Pets are unpredictable and I’m betting that this pooch was just stressed by all the sudden interest in the place he calls home. And then I was at a meeting with

Rabu, 06 April 2011

Coffee Table Decorations: Organizing Coffee Table Books and Trays | Pott...

With a difficult real estate market, almost nothing is more important than stagging when you are getting ready to sell a house. I was quite excited to find this clip from Pottery Barn (after all, what's more exciting than a house described as a Pottery Barn decor !) but was left a little unimpressed. Is it just me? What do you think of these coffee table decorations???

Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Starter Home Extraordinaire

I remember buying my first home like it was yesterday. It was a fixer upper, which is all I could afford at the time. The only reason the roof didn’t leak was it was the bottom floor of a condo building. The windows did leak, and not just air. One morning I woke up to find a small pile of snow in my kitchen. But this was a great investment for me. Located on the outskirts of Washington, D.C., I

Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums Going Up

Monthly Mortgage Insurance Premiums (MIP) will increase effective April 18, 2011 and so if you are on the verge of buying a house with a FHA mortgage, consider pulling the trigger and applying for a mortgage by April 17th!  The upfront premium remains unchanged at 1.0% of the base mortgage.  In addition, down payment minimum remains at 3.5% and maximum seller concessions is still allowed at 6%

Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

$5,000 Over Asking Is Not Enough!!!

I like it where I live and apparently so do some other people. Last weekend I wrote an offer for $5000 over asking and I’m sorry to say the house went to another bidder! Why did we offer so much? Well, we lost a house the week before by writing only a thousand over asking. That’s pretty amazing considering there are parts of the Rochester area where houses sit on the market for weeks and months,

Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Rural Real Estate

I've spent the last few weeks running from Kendal to Canandaigua to Byron.  Tomorrow I will be near Lyndonville.  I love everything about the jaunts into the country side except filling my gas tank.

Here are a few shots from the last two weeks. Kind of nice to see the ground again, isn't it?

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

How Disappointed Will You Be If You Lose This House?

No one will sell you a house for less than what you offer, right? So why not start very, very low with the first offer?

Sometimes it works. I’ve had very low offers accepted without a single counter. Almost always it’s because the house has been on the market for a while and the seller is simply sick and tired of the process.

More often, it doesn’t work. My most notable transaction was

Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Low Ball Offer

My clients cleaned and painted and staged. Finally, we put a ‘for sale’ sign in the front yard. For weeks, they walked on egg-shells trying to keep the house ready to show at a moment’s notice. And finally we got the call! An offer was coming in. As soon as I picked up the offer, I knew my clients would not be happy. It was $30,000 off asking and this was not an expensive house. What I didn’t

Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

A Touch of Spring at the GEH

Has this frightful weather got you down? A visit this week to the George Eastman House may just be what the doctor orders. There are just seven days left to the museum's Dutch Connection 2011 exhibit.(closes February 26, 2011. Daffodils, tulips and hyacinths Oh My! Not only is this a visual treat, but the fragrance is heavenly! Here are a few photos I took there yesterday.

Minggu, 02 Januari 2011

Resolve to be Money Smart in 2011!

I like New Years and fresh starts and resolutions. I make lots of New Year’s resolutions. It’s not that I don’t like the way that I am, it is just that I thrive when I’m challenged. So I set lots of goals. I do lots of the typical “eat less, exercise more and get organized resolutions.” I also resolve to visit new places, learn new skills and have fun. But one of my best resolutions was to get