Kamis, 09 November 2006

Property Pricing advice can be hard for sellers to swallow

Being a stager can put us in a "funny spot" with sellers. After working in a seller's homes and transforming them in ways they never consider... sellers REALLY starts to TRUST us.

Stagers need to be very careful. While you may be asked... a stager should NEVER suggest what a property should be listed for or sold for.

Determining pricing is the Realtors job.

So, while it is not our job to advise a client on pricing of their homes... this information is good to know and understand. Basacilly, if asked, I ALWAYS advise a seller to listen to and trust in the professional advise of a Realtor.

Here are some tips I just came across...

A Sellers Property Market Value is NOT based on:

-What is invested in the property

-What they need to get out of the property

-What it is appraised for

-What the neighbor's property sold for

-What the tax office says its worth

-What it is insured for

-Personal memories and treasures

-The prices of homes the seller is moving to

TRUE Property Market Values ARE based on:

TODAY'S PRICE which is what the buyer is willing to pay. And... TODAY'S PRICE is based on these 7 points:

  1. Today's real estate market
  2. Today's market competition
  3. Today's financing options
  4. Today's economic conditions
  5. A buyer's perception of the property's condition
  6. Location Location Locaction of the property
  7. Normal marketing time

Sellers CAN control the following:

-The price of the property that they ask for

-The condition of the property (stage it!)

-Access to the property

Sellers CAN NOT Control the following:

-Market conditions

-The motivation of their competition

-The overall value (as described above)

NOTE: This information was shared with me and I share it with you in the hopes you all could use it. I think it could make a GREAT pro-active marketing piece... I totally believe in "planting seeds".

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