For over a year now I have been venting the personal frustrations I have with the fact that I see more and more POORLY qualified people entering the field of staging. For the sake time and space, I don’t think it is important that I regurgitate what I have already written of, but if you are interested reading what I had to say, check out these past posts…
- Under Qualified "stagers" Flood the Market
- Another FEISTY BLOG about "Professional" Staging!
- ASP? HSE? What's-a-stager-SUPPOSED-to-be?
- Stone Cold Reality: Dying Dreams & Limited Opportunities
- Inconvenient Truths about Home Staging
Anyway, I find am no longer alone. Lately more and more expirienced stagers all across the US have begun to email me and/or called me to voice similar concerns and frustrations.In fact, quite recently, I received a set of photos (above) of a Bad Staging sent to be by an experienced stager (CF) that says they “…have had it with crappy staging!”
CF recently lost a job to a new “professional” whose work is pictured. CF found the After Photo and sent it to me with the Before Photos they took. CF also shared with me quite a few details about what was wrong with the overall staging. But since I do have pictures of the entire project I am only going to concentrate my critique on the one set of images show here.
I have to admit that at first I was a little reluctant to post these images. But then I got to thinking… what besides Bitch-N-Moaning could i do that would be postive? How could I turn BAD STAGING into something that would ultimatly help a seller sell and help this industry grow? I then realizewd that if I can turn examples of BAD staging into something positive… then mediocre stagers, home sellers and realtors can begin to undertand and appreciate what makes good real estate staging good.
So getting back to the BAD Staging pictured above... what is wrong with the makeover pictured above?
Well first off, CF told me that the “picture” above the fireplace in this family room is not actually a picture; rather, it is in fact a fake flat screen TV. Because it is a family room the way the furniture has been arranged is not conducive to watching TV… as it SHOULD. CF says that having the sofa face the TV was a viable and correct solution.
I immediately noticed and had problems with the 3 pictures on the wall behind the sofa. Why are they stepping up to the right? Why are they off center? And why are they so small? While scale and proportion (size) is important. I would be more understanding if the sofa would be centered under them and they ran side by side, equally spaced and at the same height. As they are now it makes the room feel out of balance.
Next, by simply sliding the lamp on the end table from the left to the right (closer to the sofa) would establish the lamp & table as and end anchor point. The lamp slid to the right would also frame the sofa and when lit brighten up the dark and heavy element in the room… the sofa.
Finally, CF wondered why the bar stool was set between the sofa and the fireplace. To be honest I don’t know either.
So there you have first example of Bad Staging that was sent to me. If you have examples that you would like to share with me, feel free to send them. I will try to post one example of “Bad Staging” per week… by doing so I hope stagers all learn and the consuming public will know and demand more of all in this industry who present themselves as “professional”.
Stage It Forward…
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