The RED FINALIST AWARD goes to Michael Simonsen. Red is the color for danger, power, passion and desire. It also it the color of energy. The fascinating pricing "heat maps" Michael presents in Bay Area Price Reductions Heat Map posted at Altos Research Real Estate Insights are FULL of red energy.
The ORANGE FINALIST AWARD goes to Brian Brady. Orange is the color that represents creativity, determination and success. Brian is writes a post with "character" as he offers his fresh and "memorable" advice in Realtors Should Stop Selling Houses... posted at BloodhoundBlog.
The YELLOW FINALIST AWARD goes to Oliver Muoto. Yellow is associated with joy and happiness but also can be a cautionary color. Oliver warns Realtors of the primary importance of using good quality pictures when advertising listing in A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words posted at vFlyer Blog.
The GREEN FINALIST AWARD goes to Michael Price. Green symbolizes growth, harmony and, as we all know, money. Michael reminds us that growth can come from looking at new business models. People that think differently will enjoy his Book Report: Be Unreasonable posted at Mike's Corner - Web 2.0 For Real Estate Pros.
The YELLOW FINALIST AWARD goes to Oliver Muoto. Yellow is associated with joy and happiness but also can be a cautionary color. Oliver warns Realtors of the primary importance of using good quality pictures when advertising listing in A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words posted at vFlyer Blog.
The GREEN FINALIST AWARD goes to Michael Price. Green symbolizes growth, harmony and, as we all know, money. Michael reminds us that growth can come from looking at new business models. People that think differently will enjoy his Book Report: Be Unreasonable posted at Mike's Corner - Web 2.0 For Real Estate Pros.
The BLUE FINALIST AWARD goes to Dr. John Yacenda. Blue embodies trust, loyalty, wisdom and intelligence. While John definitely demonstrates all those traits in his tale, the same can not be said for his clients. ?Pro Pro Per Pla? ? A Cautious Buyer?s Motto, and It?s not Latin! is a fun read posted at RenoRealEstateVoice.
The VIOLET FINALIST AWARD goes to Karen Rhodes. Violet (purple) is often associated with wealth, extravagance, dignity and independence. However, sadly these noble traits were mischievously played with and convoluted by so many parties involved with the loans. Karen writes of the Subprime troubles in The Party is Over posted at Chattanooga Real Estate Blog.
But when it comes down to it, the #1 post for this week that should be read, is all about RED. The heat maps posted on Michael Simonson's blog entitled Bay Area Price Reductions Heat Map captivated my interest... it was new, fresh, interesting and different. Because I am a home stager, I have seen time and again how it helps to sell people by helping them see. Micheal shares a tool Realtors could use in any market to help visually explain and then create effective pricing strategies with their client home sellers. CONGRATULATIONS MICHAEL this was the Most Colorful post and this week's winning post!
So... those are the colorful award winners for the 46th Carnival of Real Estate here on Home, Staging Rants & Ravings... I hope you enjoy reading them and learning from them as much as I did. I have to say I am truly honored to be the FIRST HOME STAGER ever in the nation to be selected to host and judge this forum that represents the best voices within the Real Estate Industry. Zillow recognizing stagers helps the home staging industry Stage It Forward. The next carnival will be held on Monday, June 18 at RE Agent in CT. Please submit your best post by Sunday, June 17, to be considered.
Color It Forward...
PS: In the future, if you are interested in offering your thoughts and ideas you write of in your own blog (YES HOME STAGERS... YOU TOO should be submitting posts!) to the Carnival, all you need to do is submit your blog article to a weekly edition of the Carnival of Real Estate using their carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
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