Once you have an ActiveRain Blog (which are totally FREE), if you got kids... you might even be able to stand proud, puff out your chest and say... "I GOTTA BLOG". (Unfortunately, your kids won't be THAT impressed... so you'll feel somewhat like Charlie Brown on his Halloween special when he says... "I gotta rock.")
But I digress...
But, after awhile you get your ActiveRain blog groove going and you will be all happy and content and you start reading other's real estate industry blogs and you love it, for you will be learning and sharing and commenting and associating. And you'll then realize that REALLY you are part of a real estate social network. So if you got kids (who most likely use My Space) you will be able to stand proud, puff out your chest and say... "I'm on a Social Network too!" (And your even more proud of the fact that THIS social network doesn't have Lechers... but we do have Lychees (inside joke) so that's gotta count for something!)
But I digress...
So, you'll continue to you read and read and read. And you'll stumble on Mary McKnight's blogs on blogging. TRUST ME... YOU'LL BE STOPPED COLD IN YOUR TRACKS. WHAT THE HELL IS SHE TALKING ABOUT? THERE'S MORE TO BLOGGING? THERE CAN'T BEEEEE MORE!!! RSS FEEDS? FEED what? So you'll do like most others and consider it best just to IGNORE her figuring she is WAAAAAY too pretty to be intelligent. (You are just happy and content in your simple conclusion that RSS FEED must be the delicious little candies E.T. ate.)
But I digress...
So you'll read on. Comment on. Blog on. And you will find that life is good in the Rain. But in your readings you'll hear that a Blog Carnival is coming. Members like Maureen Francis and Christine Forgione like to talk about these Carnivals! And you'll think... I love Carnivals! Can I go? A CARNIVAL for adults.... sounds like fun. Now you FEEL like your kid... only when they were about 5 years old.
And in your discovery about Blog Carnivals you hear that Broker Bryant, another ActiveRain Blogger, has WON a Carnival. WIN!!!!????? There are games at the Carnival? Are there rides too? And you mumble and grumble a bit because Broker Bryant you'll by then know that Broker Bryant is King of the ActiveRain bloggers. He seems to be able to win gold stars for farting in the Rain, and on top of that he has a Lovely Wife! Is there anything HE can't do well?
But I digress...
So the whole point of this blog is to announce that I am hosting a The Carnival of Real Estate on June 11, 2007 RIGHT HERE on my "pretty blog". I couldn't be more thrilled and honored. The cool part of all this is is it will be the FIRST TIME EVER that a stager has hosted a Real Estate Blog Carnival... which will surely help the staging industry get its message out.
I have to thank Mary, Maureen, Christine, Bryant, TLW, and Matt Heaton (creator of ActiveRain) these ActiveRain bloggers have tought me and coached me about blogging and all that it can be. In my mind you are some of the best drips that have ever dropped (inside joke). You have helped us and our efforts to "stage it forward..."
But I digress...
PS: WHAT IS A BLOG CARNIVAL.... just click and read. It is easy to take part in and share your thoughts.
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