Since I have been writing about staging I have "connected" with stagers from all over North America! I have communicated with amazing, talented, fun, and creative people who are committed to and love to their professions.
Oddly, these talks have been both INSIPIRING and SAD. So I bet you are wondering “Why sad?” Basically it is because, while these folks are good at providing staging services... now, after being out in the real world and applying what the learned, they find they are deeper into their profession in ways they NEVER thought about.
Unfortunately, while they have gained a new appreciation and respect for staging, they feel a bit lost when it comes to the day-to-day reality of BUSINESS OWNERSHIP... especially the staging business. I understand their dilemma... 2 years ago, when I presented the initial draft of our company's contract for staging services to our attorneys for legal review, they were surprised and dumb-founded! Their replay was... "Craig, you have a VERY complex business model."
I see stagers attracted to the "glamour" and fun creativity necessary to staging. But then reality sets in... in order to maintain and grow a successful staging business many do not think of ALL THE WORK in the other areas that MUST be given attention to and MASTERED.
These "jumbo challenge' areas include: Services Delivery, Sales, Marketing / Advertising, Inventory: Growth & management, Human Resources, Systems & Software, Strategic Partners, Office Space & Storage, Accounts Receivable/Payable and Outreach.
If one is serious about owning and growing their real estate staging business.... each of the areas listed above must be examined, defined and developed. WHY? Because if you don't actively value and TEND TO each of these areas within your own staging company... your competition will in theirs and you will ultimately loose out to them.
I hope to share with you all I can to help you with jumbo-sized challenges facing you in your own staging business... and know that I continue to work in my own real estate staging business to find solutions to make those challenges less crappy.
Stage it Forward...
Craig (Me)
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