If you are interested in considering using a Real Estate Stager... USE YOUR EYES and look at stager’s websites and get a cross section of what the Professional Staging Industry has to offer.
Regardless of WHERE they were trained or WHO trained them, if you USE YOUR EYES you will see the level of quality and skill is "all over the place". JUST because someone attaches the word professional to their name... does NOT make them so.
Some Real Estate Stagers are trained by an organization, some are self trained. (Keep in mind that most people who have STARTED training organizations were not professional trained when they started out>) So more importantly, USE YOUR EYES... you will find there are some AMAZING stagers all over North America.
Folks, stagers are in the MERCHANDISING BUSINESS, they SHOULD be able to merchandise themselves. Go to a stager’s website... look at their galleries/portfolios. You WILL SEE fantastic work... and just plan garbage. Again, I can not stress enough, LOOK at the website...is IT attractive? Organized? THAT should tell you much.
One place to get a good cross section is to look at the stager’s category on the ACTIVE RAIN website. Active Rain is an online social network for the ENTIRE Real Estate Industry. It is a great source of information about the industry.
USE YOUR EYES and see the good Active Rain stagers and use them as a litmus test to which you compare the stager you are considering in your market.
REALTORS you need to know you are the gateway to an amazing beneficial service... but first you must USE YOUR EYES!
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