The realtor, who has used Real Estaging services before knew the quality of our work... when she recently got a listing she convinced the seller that if he had it us staged it he could ask for more... $55,000 MORE! Our fees are well covered and the seller stands to walk away with alot more cash in his pocket. Plus the seller can expense our fees as and advertising expense... reducing his capitol gain. WIN WIN WIN!
The realtor no longer is selling a drab vanilla box. In fact, yesterday... no sooner had we finished then the realtor had a second showing... to someone who had already toured it when it was listed at the lower price. They buyer was blown away.
Here are before and after pictures of the living room... the before pictures were taken a week ago TODAY (on Aug 26th). The after pictures were taken YESTERDAY (Sept 1).

I'll keep you all posted as to how this story transpires.... just remember QUAILTY staging is well worth the investment!
Before & After photos copy written by REAL ESTAGING. 2006 ALL Rights Reserved
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