I recently commented in another stager's blog that I thought home stagers could learn from the Realtor community who benefit from working together and learning together as a unified group in the association known as the National Association of Realtors.
Having as an END GOAL within industry to have own NAR like organization/association is an AWESOME goal... which I embrace 100%. But, with the “results” and lack of response we are getting to the idea so far, I wonder if maybe we are trying to hard to make this end goal happen. If this IS the case, what can we do? Well, without loosing site of the END GOAL, maybe what is more important is that we define smaller goals and take smaller steps that start moving us to that big "associated" END GOAL.
Right now there are many thoughts, ideas, concepts and strategies being discussed by a VERY vocal minority. But are the stagers that comprise the industry actions REALLY equal to what the vocal minority are shouting for as the BIG picture? I am not sure sure it is. But, if you think it is, then why does it feel like we are still stuck?
Why isn't there this vast tidal force of stagers joining together as a unified association?
Well, I believe part of the reason we are a bit “stuck” is the fact that our industry is riddled with misunderstanding, distrust, conflicting philosophies, and big egos. Plus, it doesn't help that real estate market is the worst it has been in decades. But even though we are obviously not experiencing ideal conditions, this should NOT stop those of us who are committed to creating something more for ALL in this industry.
So as a "loose" industry what can we do to get ourselves tightened up and unstuck? Well, maybe, without realizing it we are getting ourselves out of this rut by starting with a rock and roll motion... kind of like what one does to get a car unstuck out of a snow bank. I have come to notice an interesting phenomena that happens when someone tries to “rock” this industry forward with an idea or concept. Immediately following a rock forward there tends to be a counter “roll” back by someone else.
Case in point... the group of stagers organized under the banner called Stage It Forward (SIF) currently have scheduled over 25 industry RoundTable discussion meetings planned for all over the USA and Canada. Even though SIF has "rocked" forward there are some who feels it is necessary to roll with their own independent roundtable gatherings. This is the rock & roll I am talking about that takes place daily in this industry. So while different interpretations of a similar thing will happen, what is more important is who we are as individuals and how we respond to these differences... respectful professionalism is essential!
For those on the outside looking in the "rock" a with a "roll" response can seem a little negative. But like the motion necessary to get a car unstuck out of a snowbank, I am beginning to see how this forward and back (counter) motion is necessary to create the momentum that will get us unstuck so that we can trust in and fully embrace bigger united goals... like creating an NAR for home staging.
So while I have hoped we would already be traveling along in unity... I’ve come to see that the rock & and roll motion is not all that bad. What is most important is that the home staging industry is in motion and soon to be more unstuck.
Just my thoughts as I rock and roll...
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