I happen to know among clients, builders & developers, home selling professionals, and even stagers that there are polarizing opinions on a controversial topic in our industry. When asked… everybody is quick to chime in and share their thoughts about one side or the other, some even surprisingly have very strong opinions against the subject. However, these negative opinions, I feel, are quite prejudiced. I believe these people are misinformed and it is their ignorance that keeps the myth and controversy that surrounds the "R" word alive.
Quite recently, we here at Real Estaging lost a client because we began using the ugly "R" word. NOW… this really got my blood boiling. So I am on a campaign to... stamp out the ignorance and prejudice! This crusade will end, once and for all, what is been wrongfully labeled as "BORING" and "UGLY"... and what the “R” word is is Rental Furniture!

To finally end to the Rental furniture myth I have posted a few photos (NOT slick studio production shots) from ACTUAL staged homes we did for sellers all over the metro Chicago region. In each we used rental furniture and then added beautiful BLING from our own extensive prop library.
We started our company, having our own furniture in our prop library helped us get started and differentiated us from others in the market. But, as we looked at what we had invested in the furniture and the return on the investment we were attaining from THAT portion of our prop inventory... and we made a strategic decision. If we can not carry it (physically) we won't carry it (in our prop inventory)... instead we would rent it and roll that expense into the fee we charge the client.
For us this strategy is the right decision for 2 reasons: 1.) It was getting WAY to expensive to first PURCHASE and then continuously transport to, move in, move out, clean, repair, store and insure the hundreds and hundreds of furniture pieces we now are placing in staged homes. 2.) We found that Brook Furniture Rental, based here in Chicago with locations in CA, GA NV, TX, and DC, had diverse and MULTIPLE furniture lines, and a strong willingness to work with us.
So, a few months ago, we began working with Brook Furniture Rental and using their furniture in our stagings. I have to admit I have been delighted, for MANY reasons, but the first and foremost reason is they share with us a common commitment to provide the best level of staging creativity and service to our shared clients.
So the next time we have a client that says anything anti-rental furniture... we here at Real Estaging will hold our heads high with RENTAL PRIDE!
Stage It Forward...
POST SCRIPT: This is the 4th and Final blog in a series were rental furniture was "secretly" used. The other 3 blogs featuring rental furniture can reached by clicking on the links below.

For us this strategy is the right decision for 2 reasons: 1.) It was getting WAY to expensive to first PURCHASE and then continuously transport to, move in, move out, clean, repair, store and insure the hundreds and hundreds of furniture pieces we now are placing in staged homes. 2.) We found that Brook Furniture Rental, based here in Chicago with locations in CA, GA NV, TX, and DC, had diverse and MULTIPLE furniture lines, and a strong willingness to work with us.
So, a few months ago, we began working with Brook Furniture Rental and using their furniture in our stagings. I have to admit I have been delighted, for MANY reasons, but the first and foremost reason is they share with us a common commitment to provide the best level of staging creativity and service to our shared clients.
So the next time we have a client that says anything anti-rental furniture... we here at Real Estaging will hold our heads high with RENTAL PRIDE!
Stage It Forward...
POST SCRIPT: This is the 4th and Final blog in a series were rental furniture was "secretly" used. The other 3 blogs featuring rental furniture can reached by clicking on the links below.
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