Kamis, 18 April 2013

Rochester Real Estate Seeing Multiple Offers

The last five purchase offers I've written have had competition.  And yes, at the first inkling that there will be multiple offers, my heart rate goes up and the adrenaline starts pulsing through my veins and I get giddy with excitement but then the reality sinks in.  Multiple offers suck.

There really isn't a win-win with multiple offers.  Someone has to lose. And the nice person in me

Minggu, 14 April 2013

Rochester's High-Tech Innovation

With Kodak in bankruptcy, the experts expected Rochester to crumble into urban decay.  Instead, it has thrived and this week was named one of the ten most unexpected cities of high tech innovation by Techie.com.    According to the article, there are 65,650 techies in the Rochester workforce, which rivals San Francisco and San Diego.  You can check out the article in its entirety here:  http://