Jumat, 27 April 2007
Rochester's Affordable Housing!
Big front page news today about Rochester area rating as a great place to live (link: http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070427/NEWS01/704270351) in part because of its affordable housing. Just for fun, I took a peek in the multiple listing service at Rochester's unaffordable housing. I was surprised to see there were 29 homes for sale for more than a million
Rabu, 18 April 2007
Home Stager's Controversy is Activated in the Rain

First let me be clear as to MY PERSONAL REASON for writing what I did.
I use Active Rain as a place for me to write a "first draft" and see what "works" with what I write. Member’s comments give me a clue as to how well I conveyed my message and if I need to tweak or alter it before putting it up on here my "Pretty" Home Staging blog. In this case, it’s an ironic fact, I KNOW that the words I selected in the initial Active Rain post missed some of the mark and I needed to go back and do some editing.
That post was to be about CHOOSING WORDS, USING WORDS, and ASSIGNING WORDS to the ideas, thoughts, plans, theories, programs, methodologies, wishes, concepts, etc... we write of in life. I don't care if you are writing a note to you kid's teacher at school or a book that eventually makes the New York Times Best-Seller's List. Words Matter!
WORDS have power to convey (or wrongfully convey) a message. We need to CHOOSE them carefully. Ironically in my own post I saw that the words I chose did not fully convey the message I INTENDED to communicate. So when I rewrote it and posted it here on my "Pretty Blog" I added this entire line:
"Anyway... getting back to words, the use of the words ‘invent’ and ‘staging’ demonstrate how the use of the one right word can help to effectively communicate a message. So while Barb's word ‘staging’ is masterfully on target, on the flip side, the word ‘invent’ falls short."
While I have been accused of that I must respond by saying... "Absolutely NOT!" I chose to use BARB SCHWARZ as a subject to write about because she is a recognized personality within the Home Staging Industry. Whether you personally have good, bad or indifferent feelings for Barb, it is a fact she plays a role in the industry that I write about. Every writer knows that it helps to develop a point and convey messages if your audience can RELATE to that which you write.
As more and more people become my audience and read my words... it sets me up to be a target for scrutiny. I know it, I expect it, I don't LIKE it... but that is the way that it is. PERIOD. So my words need to be CAREFULLY selected. As do Barb Schwarz’s words or ANYONE ELSE who writes PUBLICLY! PERIOD. Whether you write about the Home Staging Industry, Real Estate Industry or any other industry. PERIOD. As a writer you put your words out there to BE dissected. PERIOD. If you don't like the fact that people MAY just challenge what you say, then DON'T write blogs, DON'T write articles, DON'T give interviews, DON'T do videos, DON'T write books, DON'T teach seminars. Just LIVE in a friggin bubble!
But more importantly PLEASE reader, viewer, listener know that JUST because it is printed, televised, spoken that DOESN'T make it God's Truth. Please, don't be that ignorant or naive. However if you choose to be THAT naive, then here… Craig Schiller created the World. Now wait two days and print this post. Then you’ll have the printed PROOF that it is so. For you read it here and it is now in print! Really, what ever happened to the saying... "Question Authority”?
As for all the controversy, that surfaced in the comment section of my Active Rain post, that surrounds Barb Schwarz of StagedHomes.com…
I am truly sorry it is so. But there is obviously something VERY REAL between Barb and the the people upset with her. Likewise, there is something VERY REAL between Barb and those people that like her.
It is a well know fact that people LOVE bad news MORE then good news. Unfortunately, the BAD will TRUMP the good. The BAD will grow and spread FASTER than the good, and the bad will be harder to clean up.
Once the BAD is out there it will stick to the hearts of those who feel it and they will judge, condemn and criticize Barb no matter what she does. Even if Barb Schwarz would now create a "scout troop for orphans that walks old ladies and puppies across street corners..." and she will be a target. The hurt these people feel, to me, seems way too real and goes way too deep. Who am I, or who are you to say it is not so for those that are hurting?
See this post on NBC - LOS ANGELES website.
Minggu, 15 April 2007
Did Barb Schwarz "INVENT" Home Staging?

So recently, as I was surfing the web, I noticed that some home staging blogs and websites cite Barb Schwarz of StagedHomes.com as the "inventor" of home staging. The more I read this the more I have to admit I thought that it was a mighty bold statement to claim that Barb "invented" the idea of a home seller proactively preparing their home to help maximize its appeal to potential buyers. This infers that prior to Barb’s 1972 "invention" no Realtor EVER had advised nor did any home seller EVER do anything to prepare or improve their home's appeal that would influence a potential home buyer's interest in a home that would cause them to then buy it.
Since I work in the Home Staging Industry and since I love words, I constantly seek out the right ones to accurately communicate what I want to write about in this industry. Seeing how this word was being applied, this got me to thinking. To help in my own understanding, I first looked up the word “invent”... wondering, what actually does it really mean? The American Heritage Dictionary's definition for "invent" is: "To produce or contrive (something previously unknown) by the use of ingenuity or imagination."
When you consider the dictionary's description of the word “invent” it makes it easy to see why it is said that Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone... because before Bell's invention, there was NO such thing as a phone. Likewise, it is easy to say that Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb... because before Edison's light bulb, there was NO such thing.
Speaking of electric...what about it? Did anyone really invent electricity? Well actually… NO. Ben Franklin is recognized for discovering electricity, but he did not invent it… for electricity had been in existence forever, just not harnessed by man.
Which brings me back to staging… did Barb Schwarz "invent" home staging? Well, if I apply the definition, I guess I would have to say NO. But if Barb did not “invent” staging… what did she do? Well, I believe she "coined" a term. She gave a name to a process. Barb brilliantly assigned the “right word” to a process that savvy home-sellers had already been doing all along. "Staging" is the perfect word that clearly described the process. Barb found the the one 'right word' that easily captured and communicated a message.
Ever since Barb had her bright idea to call the process "staging", she has been a tireless champion for it... developing one of the many staging methodologies and sharing the message of the benefits of what can be gained when home-sellers proactively take steps to ready their home for it's sale. Barb is now joined by so many others stagers through out the world who continue to perfect the staging process and contribute what they know in the hope that sellers benefit and the home staging industry grows and improves.
Anyway… getting back to words, the use of the words “invent” and “staging” demonstrate how the use of the one right word can help to effectively communicate a message. So while Barb's word "staging" is masterfully on target, on the flip side, the word "invent" falls short.
Think about it… if Barb Schwarz had not come up the term "staging" who knows, I might not be doing what I do and blogging on what I blog on. Which then makes me wonder... who came up with the word "blog"?
Part 2: Click HERE for the follow up post on the controversy this post created.
Word It Forward...
See this post on NBC - NEW YORK's website.
Sabtu, 14 April 2007
Where's The Time Gone
Gee, I'm exhausted and couldn't figure out why. Then I looked over my calendar to try to figure out where the week went and realized I had two engineer inspections, negotiated a sale, did three listing presentations (one of which resulted in a signed contract...see details below) started working with a new buyer and showed them six properties and showed a couple of current clients a few
Rabu, 11 April 2007
Are Model Homes Dying Design Dinosaurs?

Every year large builder/developers all across the country invest millions of dollars to construct, design and install lovely & lush model homes. Why? It is pretty simple… models sell homes. As one would expect, a model is a great tool to help a potential buyer figure out just how to arrange and fit furniture within a prospective home. However, and more importantly, builders know a beautiful model does something else, it connects emotionally with the buyer... inviting them to a new possible "lifestyle" the might enjoyed if they bought the home.
Until recently, only larger builder/developers could justify, afford and benefit from investing significant sums of money required to create a model. But now, because of the unique approach to design that home staging offers, more and more smaller "boutique" builders have learned that experienced Home Stagers can inexpensively design and quickly install beautifully staged models that rival the über-expensive models of their larger counter parts.
However, a good thing will only stay a secret for so long, it was only a matter of time before a savvy larger builder would discover the cost effective model resource smaller builders were using... and that builder is one of the nation's largest builders, Toll Brothers. Recently we here at Real Estaging were contracted to stage a quick delivery spec home within Toll Brother’s upscale community Hawthorn Woods Country Club, located in Chicago’s far northwest suburbs.
What makes this staging story even more extraordinary is the fact that Toll Brothers ALREADY HAD a lovely & lush model for the same home we staged. Pictured above are interior photographs, taken from much the same reference point, of the both the original lovely & lush model and the staged model we designed and installed. (I am not going to tell you which is which quite yet.) While I don't know how much time it took to plan and install or how many thousands and thousands of dollars were spent on the lovely & lush model... I do know we, planned, designed and installed our staged model in ONLY 3 ½ days and all for less than $5,000. (Which also happens to include the rental fee for furniture provided by Brook Furniture Rental.)
Developers need to know that traditional designers often struggle with the staging approach, for they get caught up in trying to make too much of a design statement. The ability to create and deliver a beautiful model in a short amount of time is one of skills that makes a stager different than traditional model designers. How do we know this? We have seen it first hand observing the desingers in our sister design company (Craig Interior Design) attempt to stage. And as we all know... design time is money.
So, how will the use of home staging as an alternative to models play out in the long run? Will developers explore and take advantage of this new approach and allow their lovely & lush models go the way of the dinosaur? Well, that is yet to be determined. However, I applaud both the sales manager, Julie Tarsio, and property manager, Dan Miekina of Toll Brothers for having the foresight and innovative thinking to look at new possibilities and try new approaches, when it comes to using design as marketing tool. In the future, one wonders that if because of creative thinking like this, the vast amount of moneys builders had spent on models will be redirected into staging multiple spec homes that dot their communities, and in doing so give more homes within a development their own unique yet enticing model lifestyle image.
Stage It Forward... with ideas and information
PS: Click on the image above to see a clearer larger version of the images… oh and the image in the lower left is the real-estaged model.
Jumat, 06 April 2007
Transforming the Doorway into the nation's only FREE Home Staging Information Resource Site
Ask any Realtor and they’ll tell you… first impressions matter. But besides home sales there are other times where first impressions count. So to demonstrate the importance and result of home staging, I thought I would do some staging in one of those “other places.” Considering that the home page of a website is like its “front door”… those of us at Real Estaging thought we would apply the same creative magic we use to stage a home and do a little cyber staging.
For this staging our “client” is going to be Active Rain, the hugely popular on-line real estate network. Why them? Well, from the time I joined Active Rain, something has bugged me about it. Let’s face it Active Rain's front door is Boring.
Yes, Yes I know what they have right now is fully "functional" door, and Yes, I know that search engines have no problem finding it. But let's face it... its just plain old BORING. It has NO PIZZAZ, NO WOW! NO… DANG, I gotta go in and check this site out. You might say it suffers from the lack of cyber curb appeal.
So off to work we went… to see the result of our work just click here and you will see what Michelle Tsioles, an AMAZINGLY creative designer (interior and graphic) on staff here at Real Estaging, created. This gateway site is fully functional and is up and running and ready to be linked to. So for my peers in the Home Staging Industry, who have been working together as a group to share our story, you now have a more attractive and less confusing way to gain access to all the great free information being shared about home staging in Active Rain’s Stage It Forward group.
Now, don't get me wrong, this is NOT going to replace the MAIN door into Active Rain. However, the Chief Community Builder of Active Rain, Caleb Mardini was quite pleased with the result saying "I have to say YOU'VE GOT IT! Craig this is great. This really helps. Thank you for putting this together." Since that note, the developers of Active Rain have revealed some images of a newly “staged” home page that they have planned for the future... which does look MUCH better. But with Active Rain getting so big… it still be nice for home stagers and other’s interested in home staging to have a simple access directly to all the great information and dialogue taking place on the internets largest and most comprehensive FREE informational resource… Stage It Forward.

Yes, Yes I know what they have right now is fully "functional" door, and Yes, I know that search engines have no problem finding it. But let's face it... its just plain old BORING. It has NO PIZZAZ, NO WOW! NO… DANG, I gotta go in and check this site out. You might say it suffers from the lack of cyber curb appeal.
So off to work we went… to see the result of our work just click here and you will see what Michelle Tsioles, an AMAZINGLY creative designer (interior and graphic) on staff here at Real Estaging, created. This gateway site is fully functional and is up and running and ready to be linked to. So for my peers in the Home Staging Industry, who have been working together as a group to share our story, you now have a more attractive and less confusing way to gain access to all the great free information being shared about home staging in Active Rain’s Stage It Forward group.
Now, don't get me wrong, this is NOT going to replace the MAIN door into Active Rain. However, the Chief Community Builder of Active Rain, Caleb Mardini was quite pleased with the result saying "I have to say YOU'VE GOT IT! Craig this is great. This really helps. Thank you for putting this together." Since that note, the developers of Active Rain have revealed some images of a newly “staged” home page that they have planned for the future... which does look MUCH better. But with Active Rain getting so big… it still be nice for home stagers and other’s interested in home staging to have a simple access directly to all the great information and dialogue taking place on the internets largest and most comprehensive FREE informational resource… Stage It Forward.
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